The plastic army men world, the green nation that's very familiar to us is called Greentoria. All nations are at war with each other, well at least at the moment. Map is by Michael Akkerman |
My spin-off that I've been dreaming up ever since I watched Michael's video would take pretty much on the same place where the his video did. Since I live in the Philippines and Michael's from the States, I would need to use my own set. And since my plot has a lot of night-time scenes to it, I would be using an indoor set, made from scratch.
So this map is mostly done by Michael to, I added some stuff just to fill the space. The backyard battle took place in an area called Hedge Base(upper left).
What I've been up to since the last post was to write the script for the three episodes that I've planned( Not an easy task at all). I've also experimented on some techniques in order to shoot the scenes better. Oh, and of course I've collected a bit more army men. |